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Students walk in front of Fell Hall.

Development Process

Planning Process 2022-2024

A Strategic Planning Task Force was appointed in December 2022 to develop a new strategic plan for Illinois State University. The previous plan, Educate Connect Elevate: Illinois State 2018-2023 , was at its end and the task force was charged to develop a new action-oriented strategic plan. Excellence by Design: 2024-2029 , was approved by the llinois State University Board of Trustees on May 10, 2024.


Timeline of the New Strategic Planning Process as described in the content following.

Timeline: Dates and Actions

September 2022

Steering Team Constituted

November 2022

Task Force Constituted

January to February 2023

Information Gathering

March 2023

Information Analysis

April 2023

SCOAR Analysis

May to September 2023

Plan Draft Development

October to November 2023

Consultation on Plan Draft

Late November 2023

Information Analysis from Consultation

December 2023 to January 2024

Revisions to Plan Draft

Late January 2024

President/Cabinet Approval of Final Plan

February to Early March 2024

Shared Governance Endorsements of Plan

Late March to April 2024

Final Plan Shared with the Board of Trustees

May 2024

Board of Trustees Appoval of Plan

May 2024

Plan Implementation Begins

Strategic Planning Task Force

  • Brian Beam*
    Executive Director
    University Marketing and Communications

  • Kate Boutilier
    Academic Advisor
    School of Communication
    Administrative/Professional Council

  • Dr. Indu Christopherson
    Instructional Assistant Professor

  • Charley Edamala*
    Associate Vice President Technology Solutions
    Chief Information Officer

  • Angela Engel*
    Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis

  • Dr. Kristina Falbe
    Assistant Professor
    School of Teaching and Learning

  • Dr. Craig Gatto*
    (beginning February 2023)
    Associate Vice President of Academic Administration
    Provost's Office

  • Dr. Shawn Hitchcock

  • Dr. Martha Horst
    School of Music
    Academic Senate

  • Dr. James Jones
    Katie School of Insurance and Risk Management

  • Dr. J. Scott Jordan

  • Katy Killian*
    Chief of Staff
    Office of the President

  • Megan Kybartas
    (beginning August 2023)
    Graduate Student

  • Derek Lough
    (through July 2023)
    Graduate Student

  • Dr. Danielle Miller-Schuster*
    Associate Vice President
    Division of Student Affairs

  • Dr. Judy Neubrander
    Mennonite College of Nursing

  • Dr. Jamie Neville
    Assistant Director for Facilities
    University Housing Services
    Civil Service Council

  • Nona Richardson*
    (through November 2023)
    Executive Associate Athletics Director
    Intercollegiate Athletics

  • Chris Roberts*
    Planning Coordinator
    Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis

  • Zach Roy
    Undergraduate Student
    Student Government Association

  • Anne Shelley
    (through July 2023)
    Assistant Professor
    Milner Library

  • Dr. Christina SoYoung Song
    (through April 2023)
    Assistant Professor
    Family and Consumer Sciences

  • Dr. luliia Tetteh
    (beginning May 2023)
    Associate Professor

  • Rick Valentin
    Creative Technologies, School of Music

  • Dr. Ani Yazedjian*
    (through February 2023)
    Acting Vice President and Provost
    Academic Affairs

  • Holly Johnson
    Data Communications Coordinator
    Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis
    Task Force Support

*Indicates Steering Team Member