Steering Team Constituted

Development Process
Planning Process 2022-2024
A Strategic Planning Task Force was appointed in December 2022 to develop a new strategic plan for Illinois State University. The previous plan, Educate Connect Elevate: Illinois State 2018-2023 , was at its end and the task force was charged to develop a new action-oriented strategic plan. Excellence by Design: 2024-2029 , was approved by the llinois State University Board of Trustees on May 10, 2024.

Timeline: Dates and Actions
Strategic Planning Task Force
Brian Beam*
Executive Director
University Marketing and Communications -
Kate Boutilier
Academic Advisor
School of Communication
Administrative/Professional Council -
Dr. Indu Christopherson
Instructional Assistant Professor
Chemistry -
Charley Edamala*
Associate Vice President Technology Solutions
Chief Information Officer -
Angela Engel*
Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis -
Dr. Kristina Falbe
Assistant Professor
School of Teaching and Learning -
Dr. Craig Gatto*
(beginning February 2023)
Associate Vice President of Academic Administration
Provost's Office -
Dr. Shawn Hitchcock
Chemistry -
Dr. Martha Horst
School of Music
Academic Senate -
Dr. James Jones
Katie School of Insurance and Risk Management -
Dr. J. Scott Jordan
Psychology -
Katy Killian*
Chief of Staff
Office of the President -
Megan Kybartas
(beginning August 2023)
Graduate Student -
Derek Lough
(through July 2023)
Graduate Student -
Dr. Danielle Miller-Schuster*
Associate Vice President
Division of Student Affairs -
Dr. Judy Neubrander
Mennonite College of Nursing -
Dr. Jamie Neville
Assistant Director for Facilities
University Housing Services
Civil Service Council -
Nona Richardson*
(through November 2023)
Executive Associate Athletics Director
Intercollegiate Athletics -
Chris Roberts*
Planning Coordinator
Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis -
Zach Roy
Undergraduate Student
Student Government Association -
Anne Shelley
(through July 2023)
Assistant Professor
Milner Library -
Dr. Christina SoYoung Song
(through April 2023)
Assistant Professor
Family and Consumer Sciences -
Dr. luliia Tetteh
(beginning May 2023)
Associate Professor
Agriculture -
Rick Valentin
Creative Technologies, School of Music -
Dr. Ani Yazedjian*
(through February 2023)
Acting Vice President and Provost
Academic Affairs -
Holly Johnson
Data Communications Coordinator
Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis
Task Force Support
*Indicates Steering Team Member