Educate • Connect • Elevate
Illinois State
Planning Process
In fall 2016, then President Larry Dietz appointed a twenty-four member Task Force to revise the University’s strategic plan, Educating Illinois 2013-2018 Individualized Attention, Shared Aspirations. He charged the Task Force to review and update the strategic plan, building upon the success the University has accomplished since the inception of the first iteration of Educating Illinois. The Task Force was further charged to consult with the campus community, be well informed regarding the internal and external environments, and develop a new strategic plan that sets forth a direction to further advance the University in the coming years.
Educate Connect Elevate: Illinois State - The Strategic Plan for Illinois' First Public University 2018-2023 was approved by the Board of Trustees in May 2018.
*The Task Force sought input from students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community through an online survey, open forums, and focused discussions.
Groups consulted through the focused discussions phase included:
- Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Leadership Staff
- Vice President for Finance and Planning Leadership Staff
- Student Affairs Council
- Vice President for University Advancement Leadership Staff
- Deans Council
- Department Chairs/School Directors Council
- College of Arts and Sciences Council
- College of Applied Science and Technology Council
- College of Fine Arts Council
- College of Business Coordinating Team
- College of Education Council
- Mennonite College of Nursing Council
- Milner Library Faculty and Staff
- Academic Senate – Faculty Caucus
- Administrative/Professional Council
- Civil Service Council
- Student Government Association
- Academic Advising Council
- Graduate Council
- Student Leaders Council
- Admissions Ambassadors
- University Research Council
- Diverse Students Group
- Alumni Association
- Intercollegiate Athletics Leadership Team
Task Force
Brian Beam (co-chair)
Executive Director
University Marketing and Communications -
Hulda Black
Associate Professor
Marketing (beginning 8/1/17) -
Rachel Calhoun
Director of Research
Advancement and Foundation Operations -
Sam Catanzaro (co-chair)
Associate Vice President for Academic Administration, Policy, and Faculty Affairs -
Febin Chirayath
Student Government Association -
Jeff Clark
Department Chair/School Directors Council -
Angela Engel (co-chair- beginning 8/1/17)
Planning, Research, and Policy Analysis -
Laura Fox
Business Administrative Associate
University Police Department -
Paul Garris
Distinguished Professor
School of Biological Sciences -
Ron Gifford
Administrative Professional Council -
Jamillah Gilbert
Instructional Assistant Professor
Special Education -
Rachel Hatch
Assistant Director
Media Relations -
Susan Kalter
Academic Senate -
Samantha Lewis
Student Government Association
(beginning 8/1/17) -
Yongmei Liu
Associate Professor
Management and Qualitative Methods
(through 7/31/17) -
Dwight Merilatt
Executive Associate Director
Intercollegiate Athletics -
Blanca Miller
Assistant Professor
Mennonite College of Nursing -
Danielle Miller-Schuster (co-chair)
Assistant Vice President
Student Affairs -
Hannah Picciola
Student Government Association -
Dean Plumadore
Civil Service Council
(beginning 8/1/17) -
Ajay Samant
Dean of the College of Business
Dean's Council -
Jennifer Sharkey
Associate Professor
Milner Library -
Sarah Smelser
School of Art -
Amanda Smith
Civil Service Council (through 7/31/17) -
Deb Smitley (co-chair through 7/31/17)
Senior Associate Vice President for Planning, Finance and Facilities -
Aslihan Spaulding
Department of Agriculture -
Lenford Sutton
Department Chair
Educational Administration and Foundations -
Jack Whitsitt
Student Government Association
(beginning 8/1/17) -
Ani Yazdejian
Department Chair/School Directors Council